Wild About Weymouth and Portland Legacy Trail
The Legacy Trail is part of Wild About Weymouth and Portland, a partnership project funded by the Big Lottery Fund through Natural England’s Access to Nature programme. The project aims to improve access in and between important wildlife sites in the area and encourage more local people and visitors to discover, enjoy and help conserve the wonderful natural environment of Weymouth and Portland.
Weymouth and Portland has a wonderful selection of contrasting wild places and wildlife in a landscape shaped by Jurassic aged rocks beneath.
The Legacy Trail - Weymouth and Portland from Alastair Nisbet - ScreenPLAY on Vimeo.
You can download the Wild About Weymouth and Portland leaflet to explore the natural delights of Weymouth and Portland. Please contact us if you need an accessible version of this leaflet.
Legacy Trail Way Points:
Explore a circular walk from each of the 10 Way Points.