Webinars and podcasts ways to make your business more eco-friendly
VisitBritain held a Covid-19 Business Recovery webinar during July 2020 regarding sustainability. It is an hour long and includes speakers from Foresight Factory (from 2 minutes 30 seconds) talking about consumer trends, City Nation Place (from 14 minutes 58 seconds) providing insights into sustainability from around the world and Green Tourism (from 28 minutes and 23 seconds) talking about staying green during the pandemic, including eco-friendly cleaning products and avoiding single-use items. You'll need to register first before you can watch the webinar.
In March 2021, the Energy Saving Trust hosted a webinar about purchasing electric cars and vans for business use and the savings which can be made through lower running costs and taxes. You'll need to register first before watching the webinar.
In April 2021, the Energy Saving Trust hosted a follow up webinar about installing electric vehicle charging points at tourism businesses, including new announced grants. You'll need to register first before watching the webinar.